Based on popular demand, we are holding a June General Meeting (normally we do not meet June, July, and August). The meeting is via Zoom, Tuesday, June 9, from 6:30-8:30.We will be discussing the start of our Residential Parking Permit process for the area around Monroe Park (see below) and neighborhood resilience efforts.

Contact us for an access code.


Monroe Park Residential Parking Permit Zone

Fact Sheet

The permits pay for the patrols and signage. Citations comprise less that 20% of revenue.

Why Consider a Permit Zone?

  • Parking control officers do not ordinarily patrol areas without a permit zone because the zone pays for the officer’s time. So, parking rules are more evenly enforced, which improves street safety.
  • Permits eliminate multi-day car camping, but do allow for “one-and-done” overnight sleeping in vehicles because there is no overnight enforcement. This mitigates problematic car camping behavior while not burdening respectful campers.
  • Permits eliminate “remote storage” of vehicles.
  • Permits expedite the removal of abandoned vehicles.
  • Permits create a cost for what might be an extra vehicle, thus encouraging people to donate or sell it.
  • Permits encourage people to use available off-street parking, thus freeing up on-street parking for guests and those with no other options.
  • Residential on-street parking is a benefit that is paid by all but used by just some.

Issues with Permit Parking

  • Costs: Even a minimal cost is still an extra expenditure, which can be an added burden for low-income residents.
  • Hassle: Having to take the time to get a permit and renew it.
  • Equity: If you have no off-street parking where you live, you are forced into buying a permit whereas those with off-street parking do not.

Proposed Zone Area

Border on the north but not including W. 8th Ave

Bordered on the south but not including W. 11th

Bordered on the west but not including Jefferson

Bordered on the east by Van Buren

Proposed/rules based on city standards

  • Days per week: Monday through Sunday
  • Hours per day 24: enforced 8-6 (approximately) Monday-Saturday (may expand). You can park over-night and as long as you are gone by 9 you are okay.
  • Free parking no permit: 2 hours


What does it cost?

  • $40 per permit per year (currently)*.
  • That comes to: .11 cents per day, .77 cents a week, or $3.33 a month


Who can get a permit?

  • You must be able to prove residency (same requirements as a library card)
  • Residences and permits are determined by tax lot
  • The process is 100% online (no stickers/based on license plates).


How does it work?

  • Maximum of 5 yearly permits (can get two year permits on request for homeowners or long-term renters [4+ years]) per tax lot.
  • *You can assign up unlimited vehicles per permit, but only one can use it at a time
  • Up to 30 single day use permits per month (free) per tax lot. You can assign as many single-day permits at a time (so a guest that stays for a week would use up 7 single day permits)
  • More than a single day guest permit or over the 30 permits may be obtained by calling. For example, a free service permit for contractors or home healthcare staff based on the contract.


 How does the process work?

  • Tentative boundaries are submitted to Parking who calculates if the zone is financially viable (pays for itself via permits).
  • Basic rules are proposed.
  • All residences are notified via postcard within the proposed zone + 2 blocks in every direction.
  • Volunteers canvas to ask questions and get votes.
  • Lease holders (on contract) get half a vote (if 5 people, they get ½ vote)
  • All Lease holders (on contract) in multifamily dwellings + get half a vote.
  • Dwelling owners get half a vote.
  • Owner occupiers get a full vote.
  • Half vote if house on corner for each street.
  • The vote is simple majority but technically advisory, the traffic engineer has the final say based on set criteria if the vote is close.



What if I don’t want to be in the permit zone?

  • Before the zone is established you can file a request to be exempted. However, this means the street in front of your property will be clearly excluded from the zone by signage so if likely to attract a lot of vehicles. No recommended.
  • Area directly outside a permit zone tend to get bigger parking impacts.

October 2020 Update

The JWN Board approved the Good Neighbor Agreement: LCMAT GNA FINAL

If you wish to join the MAT Clinic Community Advisory Committee contact us!

Opening of the clinic has been pushed back to fall 2020.

The JWN and Downtown Neighbors Association (DNA) are working on drafting a Good Neighbors Agreement (GNA) that will establish communication and expectations for all parties.

Questions answered:

What about the issues with zoning?
Please visit for details on the current debate over zoning, city plan, and refinement plan conflicts in citing a non-residential drug treatment facility at this location

Current patient load:
Methadone= 217
Buprenorphine = 144

Doctors on staff:
Currently they have 3 doctors that work part time:

Dr. Bovee is 20 hours a week
Dr. Loeffler is 12 hours a week
Dr. Kiester is 8 hours a month

10 Key Facts about Lane County Medication Assisted Treatment Clinic

  1. Number of staff at new clinic site
    19 FTE, 2 extra help staff. This includes both programs
  2. Hours of operation at new clinic site
    Buprenorphine M-F, 7:30-5:30, Methadone Program is 7 days/week, 7am-10am Saturday and Sunday, 6am-3pm M-F

  3. List of positions at new clinic
    Program Supervisor, Clinical Supervisor, Medical Director, Medical Providers, Dispensing Nurses, Medical Assistants, Certified Mental Health Specialists, Office Assistants, Administrative Assistant, Case Manager, Peer Support Specialist

  4. Number of people that will be served at the new clinic
    300 Methadone, 500 Buprenorphine

  5. Types of opiate use among patient population
    A significant portion of our patients sought treatment after developing dependency on prescription opiates, typically prescribed in a medical setting for legitimate pain

  6. Demographics of our patients
    97% are currently housed (3% are currently unhoused), 60% have a college education, 68% are currently employed

  7. Expected start of operations at new clinic site
    Buprenorphine Spring 2020, Methadone Fall of 2020

  8. Medications dispensed

  9. Medications prescribed

  10. Number of arrests made at LCMAT since 1995

Medication Assisted Treatment Clinic FAQs

1) What happens at a Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Clinic?

In a nutshell, MAT is outpatient treatment for individuals who are experiencing opiate use disorder but have demonstrated a commitment to end that dependency. That process begins with a referral to the program, followed by an initial screening. If the individual qualifies and is accepted into the program, they are seen by a medical provider who determines the best treatment option. There are two key components to treatment: one is medication which eases the symptoms of dependency and helps the individual be successful in their recovery and the second is counseling and education. Depending on the situation, the individual could be prescribed methadone or buprenorphine. Counseling sessions could take place individually or in groups. On a daily basis, patients will come in to either receive a prescription for medication which is then filled at a pharmacy, or receive medication at the facility. They also might attend a counseling session. Visits by patients to the clinic can last from the amount of time it takes to dispense medication to the amount of time it takes to attend their counseling session, but typically from 1-2 hours. The clinic sees patients from 6 am – 5:30 pm M-F and 7-10 am on weekends, and sees around 120 individuals on a daily basis.

2) How effective is MAT?
Medication Assisted Treatment is one of the most effective forms of treatment for opiate use disorder. Roughly 83% of our patients stop using opiates.
3) What populations of people use MAT Clinics?
We serve individuals from all walks of life, gender, age range, housing status, and employment status. While all of our clients share an addiction to opiates, some are addicted to prescription opiates and others to heroin. Some of our patients are young students, some are parents, some are self-employed, some are disabled, and others are senior citizens. On average, only 3% of our population is unhoused while utilizing services.

4) Are all MAT patients injection drug users?
No. A large percentage of patients have used pill form prescription drugs, initially prescribed by a medical provider. A smaller percentage of our patients have used illicit substances.

5) Is it common for patients to “resell” the prescriptions they receive from an MAT clinic?
No. Our patients have demonstrated a commitment to recovery. When Methadone clients first start in treatment, they are required to report daily and take their medication on site. Only later in their recovery are they permitted to take doses home. If any of our patients are caught selling or misusing their prescription, there are immediate consequences, including potential termination from the program.

6) What are the hours of operation?
There are different times for dispensing depending on the medication, but the general hours are from 6 am – 5:30 pm (7-10 am on weekends), 7 days a week.

7) Do convicted criminals utilize MAT?
Again, we have individuals from all walks of life, including some who have a criminal history. Treatment is a key factor in how people turn their lives around.

8) Does the placement of an MAT clinic in a neighborhood raise the crime rate?
Several studies, including a notable and exhaustive study from Johns Hopkins University, show that there is no correlation between the placement of a drug treatment facility and an increase in crime. If anything, the move towards recovery removes a major motivator for crime in the lives of individuals who may be experiencing dependency.

9) What kind of crimes have Lane County MAT patients committed?
It is not a forgone conclusion that since our patient population is seeking treatment for opiate use disorder that they have committed a crime. However, the most common crime cited is possession of an illegal substance.

10) What will Lane County MAT Clinic do to mitigate loitering?
The first step is our communication with our patients. We work to help them understand what it means to be a good neighbor and how they can help. Having ample indoor space in our design also eliminates loitering, as do ample parking and pick-up space.

11) What will the County do to manage the illegal camping that has been happening at the 432 W. 11th location?
The occupation of the building will make a difference since staff will be on site 7 days a week. As with the current MAT site, camping will not be allowed. The County can provide outside security to help manage those rules if needed.

12) What kind of security will the County provide for the facility? What hours will the security be present?
At some Health & Human Services sites, we contract for outside security, and this is already in place for when the clinic is closed. This can be added during business hours if needed.

13) Will the placement of the MAT Clinic lower my property value?
Initial research from Claire La Roche published in the Journal of Sustainable Real Estate in 2014 looked at a small subset of data and found up to an 8% reduction in property value within the immediate vicinity of a drug treatment facility. These findings were challenged and ultimately refuted by an exhaustive study published by Brady Horn the National Bureau of Economic Research(August 2019) which applied an aggregate algorithm that allowed for cross-sector, multi-neighborhood comparisons and found that there was, in fact, no correlation between property values and proximity to a drug treatment facility.

14) What will the County do to stay in communication with neighbors?
Direct contact information for the County will be distributed to neighbors in the immediate vicinity when the clinic opens. Additionally, the County will continue working closely with the Jefferson Westside Neighbors and Downtown Neighbors Association to maintain other means of feedback and communications.

15) Are MAT patients held to any form of accountability for the actions outside their drug usage in order to be eligible for services?
Yes. Every one of Lane County MAT’s patients signs a patient agreement which outlines acceptable behaviors while in the program.